Power Saver UPS Batteries
During the crucial minutes when your supply has been lost to preventative action being performed you can rely on Power Saver to provide high rate batteries such as NPL / SWL in your UPS systems.
Yuasa is our main supplier but we can also provide C + D Technology / Dynasty (formerly Johnson) batteries/FIAMM and Hawker.
It is recommended that you replace your batteries every 4 years (not applicable to long life products) to ensure they operate at optimum efficiency.
Battery supply
We have extensive experience in working with the major battery manufacturers to tailor battery banks to the needs of the application. Whatever the source or size of your power protection system, we will design and install a bespoke battery installation to provide the required autonomy and fit the available space, while observing best practice in the design of multiple strings, fuses and transition boxes to ensure that the batteries do not represent a single point of failure in your UPS system.
We can also supply battery cabinets / racks (cladded or open)
Battery testing
Batteries are the weak link in any UPS system because they age. We undertake routine maintenance tasks which include checking the open-circuit battery and UPS float voltages, inspecting the physical condition of terminals and connections, and logging battery impedance to accurately predict the end of the batteries’ useful life.
Battery disposal
Replacement and disposal of batteries is governed by regulations and must be carried out by licensed disposers following prescribed methods. We are experienced in ecologically-acceptable removal and disposal of UPS systems and consumable parts, from batteries to complete power systems.
A complete solution for all your power protection requirements from the UK’s leading supplier and maintainer of emergency and back up power systems.
Including – UPS’s, line conditioners, diesel generators and battery banks.